Author biographies#

Antonio Baiano Svizzero#

Antonio Baiano Svizzero is a NVH CAE Engineer working for Denso on aero-vibro-acoustic simulation on HVAC systems. His research focuses on modelization of thin plates, aerodynamic source generation mechanism and sound absorbers. He currently collaborates with the University of Naples “Federico II”.

Andrea Cicero#

Andrea Cicero is a PhD Student at the University of Salford. His research focuses on techniques for low frequency modelling of small room acoustics using the Boundary Element Method. He also practises as an acoustic engineer in Italy.

Jørgen S. Dokken#   @jorgensd   @dokken

Jørgen S. Dokken is a research engineer at Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo. He is one of the developers of the the FEniCS finite element library, Dolfin-adjoint and the author of the FEniCSx tutorial.

Andrew Gibbs#   @AndrewGibbs

Andrew is a postdoctoral researcher at University College London, developing and analysing Boundary Element Methods. Currently his focus is on acoustic scattering by fractals, and high frequency acoustic scattering by polygons.

Amelia Gully#   @agully1

Amelia Gully is a Lecturer in Speech Science in the Department of Language and Linguistic Science at the University of York. Her work focuses on the acoustics of speech, and particularly how someone’s vocal anatomy contributes to the uniqueness of their voice. She is a member of the UKAN Computational Acoustics Special Interest Group committee.

Jonathan Hargreaves#   @jahargreaves

Jonathan Hargreaves is a Lecturer in Acoustic and Audio Engineering at the University of Salford. Most of his research focuses on computational acoustics algorithms, but he also has strong interests in loudspeaker arrays, material characterisation, and microphone arrays. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses on computational acoustics and is especially passionate about communicating its core concepts in accessible ways. Jonathan was awarded the UK Institute of Acoustics’ Tyndall Medal for outstanding contribution to acoustics research and education in September 2016. He is a member of the UKAN Computational Acoustics Special Interest Group committee, the EAA Technical Committee for Computational Acoustics, and the IOA Research Coordination Committee.

Nick Ovenden#

Nick Ovenden is a Professor of Applied Mathematics at University College London. He currently works on wave propagation in complex media, particulary media containing contrast agents such as coated microbubbles. Other research interests include outdoor sound propagation, biomedical applications and physiological modelling. He co-leads the UKAN Computational Acoustics Special Interest Group.

Matthew Scroggs#   @mscroggs   @mscroggs

Matthew Scroggs is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Mathematics at University College London. He is one of the developers of the FEniCS finite element library and the Bempp boundary element library. He is the maintainer of DefElement, an encyclopedia of finite element definitions.

Huiqing Wang#

linkedin   hqwang815

Huiqing Wang is a postdoctoral research fellow in the group of building acoustics at the Eindhoven University of technology. His work focuses on developing numerical methods (time-domain discontinuous Galerkin method) for wave propagation problems, with applications in room acoustics and the development of open-source room acoustics simulation software. He is a core developer of the open-source room acoustics software edg-acoustics.